Teaching and learning are essential parts of life for all people. I imagine all my research activities as pedagogical enterprises aimed at sharing my knowledge with students, colleagues, or the public - whatever the case may be.

My courses are based around activities that promote student-centered, student-directed learning experiences. I have taught courses ranging from the foundations of sociology to public policy to Andean Archaeology. Most recently I have been exploring - and practicing - methods for teaching urban ethnography to undergraduates in the field.

I employ a philosophy I call 'authoritative empathy' in my teaching. I empathize with those I am teaching, recognizing that we are common travelers in the process of learning. We share ignorance, though differently distributed between us. I am an authority both on the content I teach and in good practices of learning and communicating. I teach my students how to learn, and so they do.

I currently have two open and free online courses in archaeology that you are invited to complete. These courses launched in September, 2018 and will run continuously. I check on these courses daily and look forward to interacting with you online. Click the course cards below to take the courses.

Archaeological Method and Theory
 Andean Archaeology

"From him we have learned that...education is not a pedantic stuffing..."  -  student of Benedetto Croce